
In the simplest terms a perennial is a plant that lives for two or more years and when we talk about them we are usually referring to plants (herbaceous perennials) that die down for winter but re-emerge in spring. Trees and shrubs are perennial as well but they are woody and not herbaceous. For a gardener it’s hard to beat the excitement of the first perennial leaves emerging after a long winter.

Perennials are often planted in groups in either meandering borders or as the backbone of flower or shrub beds. With attention to details like light requirements, zone hardiness, soil types and moisture needs perennials can reward you with years of blooms or texture. In fact, many thrive for decades and can be divided and passed on to fellow gardeners.

Top 2025 Perennials

  • Astilbe Burgundy Red Perennial

    One of the earliest blooming varieties, this plant is perfectly suited for our prairie climate. This shade lover grows up to 2’ tall and boasts deep red plumes atop lush green foliage. Remember to keep this plant well watered and fertilize during spring and summer months.

  • Phlox Garden Girls Perennial

    Being one of the larger varieties of phlox available, this 3’ tall sun loving plant shows off it’s fragrant blooms mid-season which attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden.

  • Clematis Perennial

    There are few flowering vines in our climate zone that make an impact like clematis. With so many varieties out there Jackmanii remains one of the strongest performers. These plants love bright, indirect light, but a helpful hint is to keep their roots shaded. Remember to stick with pruning groups A (1) and B (2) for our shorter season.

  • Dianthus Perennial

    These fragrant flowers come in a variety of forms, which grow from ground covers up to 3’ tall. Pretty Poppers Double Bubble is one of my (Reena’s) favourites, with it’s bubblegum-toned double blooms that sit atop silvery foliage. When in bloom it also carries a lovely sweet scent. This plant can handle heat and drought once established, but will also handle part shade.

  • Foxglove Perennial

    This plant is an old time favourite. Though not a true perennial, it is a biennial, which means it will re-seed itself in the garden rather that re-growing on the same root as the previous year. Don’t let this deter you, Manitoban’s have been growing these plants for decades for their abundance of summer blooms or to be used in cut flower bouquets.

  • Karl Forester Grass Perennial

    This is a must have for a prairie landscape. This hardy grass is fast growing and tough enough for our climate. Vertically growing clumps of lush green grasses and topped in late summer with feathery plumes that hold throughout fall for late interest.

  • Itoh Peonies Perennial

    These are a collector’s favourite. The 6”-8” single to semi-double flowers put on a show in early spring like no other. Part to full sun is essential for best performance. The big bonus is that they are truly hardy to our zone.

  • Hardy Hibiscus Perennial

    YES, you can grow hibiscus outdoors in Manitoba!!! These beauties have dinner plate size flowers that need to be seen to truly appreciate. The Summerific series hosts some of our favourite selections. They will however need to be grown in a protected area to successfully winter through.

  • Hosta Dancing Darling Perennial

    This new variety, with is deeply ridged lime and green variegated foliage, is a great addition to a hosta collection or any shade garden. We love that it spreads to 40” wide and 16” tall.

  • Switch Grass Heavy Metal (Panicum) Perennial

    A tall, handsome grass with metallic blue blades and 16 plumes. It is a zone 3B to 4, however has been known to winter very well in this area.