It is going to be a beautiful weekend coming up…one we’ve been waiting WEEKS for.  I’ve compiled a short list of yard clean up that can help you get you started.  I plan on getting outside myself and hopefully checking off at least one or two of the items.  It’s the winter cleanup outside around the house that is the most dreaded, and that’ll come first for me.  On the plus side, my boys Samuel and Elliott will have a blast helping me out.  Maybe – If they don’t just want to ride their bikes.

Spring Gardening To Do List

*Clean up all the winter debris from around all plants.

*Start planning  / gathering ideas for your container gardening – BOOK A POT PARTY!

*Start planning the layout of your vegetable garden…Consider raised bed gardening, especially in wet areas

*Prune trees and summer blooming shrubs

*Plant summer blooming bulbs

*Cut back ornamental grasses to approx. 4″

*Remember to apply dormant oil sprays to your fruit trees while they are dormant ( before any buds open up )

Come on in and check out our seed racks as well!  We’ll be here!